The S.A.M.I. Conference

Peace Everybody,

The Students Against Mass Incarceration Conference at Howard University went really well. Thank you to all of you who I met after my performance.

Of course the best part of the day was meeting M1 from Dead Prez for the first time. I have loved Dead Prez’s music since they first came out (dang, I guess that’s been over 10 years). It’s Bigger Than Hip-Hop changed my life. Songs like ‘They Schools’ and ‘Be Healthy’ really spoke to my spirit. So being face-to-face with M1 and having him say that he was inspired by my music and my performance really made me feel wonderful.

I also was able to see the phenomenal Jasiri X again. He was amazing. Check out his latest project, Ascension, which is on iTunes now.

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