I had a great time performing at the Sixth Annual Breaking the Silence on Youth Violence Summit (#youthsummit16)!! Sh...
(photo: Kelley R. Givens) Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening (depending on your place on the globe). I am VERY ...
Shout out to @MadiDangerously for the photo from the show at Exit Room in Brooklyn, NY. If you were there, it was lov...
Peace. I know it’s been a minute. I took July to focus on recording. But now I’m back to performing and I...
Peace Everybody, The Students Against Mass Incarceration Conference at Howard University went really well. Thank you ...
Peace everybody. So glad that I had the chance to rock at SXSW. Hopefully next year I’ll get to rock an officia...
Here’s some footage from the Busboys show. Thanks to the lovely audience member who sent this to me.